Monday, January 10, 2011

Things that make you feel good.

1. When a classmate at a new university shouts and waves at you across the cafeteria, encouraging you to "Come sit with me!" even though you've only known her for a few days, it makes you feel good.

2. When you watch Jurassic Park with friends and realize that one guy can quote it just as well as you can, it makes you feel good.

3. When you get a text message from a new friend saying that you can always turn to him when you're feeling anxious and need a shoulder to cry on, it makes you feel good.

4. When you spend your Friday night divulging romantic histories and discussing personal topics with girls that you just met and then agree that you absolutely trust each other, it makes you feel good.

5. When you can bum back rubs off of people you've known for less than a week, it makes you feel good.

Moral of the story: Canadians are good people.


  1. Okay, I would type more but after these last two posts I am too busy doing a happy dance to type. And did I need a happy dance today.
    Thanks, Margie! I love you, Mom.

  2. Go Maggie, go!
    All sounds fantastic, you're going to be great and will have incredible material for writing when you return.

    Tell your mom I'll do a happy dance for her if she needs another once in the next few weeks...

    Lisa Pole
