Saturday, January 22, 2011

Field research: campus bar

(yes, this is a day late - my apologies)

Research objective - observe and participate in pre-bar and bar activities with seasoned college students and bar-goers.

Wingwoman - Becca. We created a few social objectives before the night began: we wouldn't get drunk, we wouldn't buy our own drinks, and we would leave immediately if we felt uncomfortable or if anyone started vomiting.

Official escort - Kyle. He was nice enough to walk with us over to the Pit and make sure we knew what was going on before he went off in pursuit of whatever boys like Kyle pursue at bars.

Other participants, listed imcompletely, and in no particular order - Zeb, Tim, Eric, Andrew, Lacey, Alora, Rob (2), Candace, Devon, A.J.

Location -
Cape Breton University
a. Harriss Hall dorm room - where we met our companions for the evening and participated in an activity called pre-gaming, which is the consumption of alcohol in preparation for consuming more alcohol at the bar. For the record, Becca and I are terrible pre-gamers in the eyes of more experienced drinkers. Apparently splitting one shot (provided by the [in]famous Tim) between the two of us didn't count.
b. The Pit - the on-campus bar where the night's festivities were focused. The theme was Sunglasses at Night, with a $2 cover charge that was lifted by the time we arrived.

Outcome - In a word: awesome. In one night, Becca and I participated in every Bar Cliché known to humankind:
1. I rescued Becca from an overly enthusiastic and overly intoxicated guy who really, really wanted to thumb-wrestle with her. This happened several times.
2. Someone bought us drinks (A.J., thanks again!).
3. I teamed up with a nice guy from Newfoundland to play two-on-two pool against Becca and Kyle. We also got good at the whole hold-my-beer-while-I-take-this-shot move.
4. I danced with good-looking gentlemen.
5. We had a fantastic time.

Wanna know the best part? I wasn't even drunk. Not even close. And I still enjoyed myself! I might've been buzzed, but that was probably just the natural euphoria that comes with trying new things and succeeding. I know next to nothing about the drinking culture on other campuses, but at CBU, intoxication is optional.

Conclusion - I don't need to be drunk to have fun.

Keep reading!



  1. Maggie, this perfectly describes our night out! Good job!

  2. I appreciate this post. Keep up the non-intoxication fun.
    <3 Amber
