Sunday, February 6, 2011

Real Canadians: Kevin Regnault

It has come to my attention that I haven't thoroughly introduced you, my lovely readers, to my friends here in the Great White North. As a result, I'm kicking off a new series of posts over the next few weeks: Real Canadians.

Kevin "Jesus" Regnault, oldest of three boys, self-proclaimed hippie, avid tea-drinker and charity worker, chemical engineering major

Age: 21

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dream Job: Professional musician

Realistic Dream Job: Something with green energy

Favorite Book: Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett

Favorite Movie: Up

Interests: Reading, video games, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and music. Kevin sings and he plays the guitar, the bass, and the piano. He also can tune a harp, which I think is pretty cool.

Deep, dark secret: Kevin has apparently been arrested three times, though he has never been charged. No, I don't know why.

How we met: My first night on campus, I was waiting for the bus stop in a panic, and Kevin found me there. The next day, he took me under his wing and showed me around campus. We've been friends ever since.

Memorable Quotes

"I love how the analytical chemists are sledding down the hill behind Alumni."

"That's my angry Canadian redneck voice."

"I love the profs here. They know you and they make fun of you and they trip you in the hall."

"Most people think I'm gay when they first meet me. I have a rainbow tie and rainbow slippers."

Stay tuned for more Real Canadians!

[Kevin's reaction to this profile:]
"Maggie, you make it sound like, 'he plays every instrument known to man, loves puppies, art, the environment and long walks on the beach, is super mysterious and can bench 7 million pounds. oh, and he makes lots of money.' Not that I'm upset..."


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