Friday, September 30, 2011

Stuff that's awesome.

So I've a busy weekend ahead of me. As a result, I'm writing some good news as well as a preview now in order to spawn breathless anticipation of the epic pictures to come.

Stuff That's Awesome
A partial list

1. When I wake up in the morning, I'm in Canada. This means Keith's, Coffee Crisp, Tim Hortons, and, most importantly, my Canadians.

2. I've chosen a topic for my directed study paper. I'm writing about the Hunger Games, which y'all should know is my favorite book series ever. I've been geeking out more than a litte and reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Patrick Hicks, eat your heart out!) to analyze Katniss as a heroine on a quest.

3. My roommates are amazing cooks. I mean amazing. Jaime made us quinoa pilaf the other day and occasionally whips together these divine scrambled eggs that taste like heaven. Maile is a whiz at "winging it with the spices," and she made a black bean tofu stir fry the other day that was one of the best vegetarian dishes I've ever had. So yeah. I eat quite well.

4. Tight and Bright is tonight. You may remember this from last year, when I went out looking like Peter Pan on an acid trip. I'm spending the day downtown at the thrift shop Value Village and vintage shop Gala to compile an outfit with a few of my favorite Canadians. It's the roomies, of course. Last year's winner, Tim, is joining us, and we're hoping to absorb some of his victorious tight-and-bright aura to give some oomph to our ensembles. Last but certainly not least is the ever-so-delightful Kyle Capstick, who rocks $3 Value Village sweaters like nobody's business. Today is going to be great.

5. Lumière is tomorrow night, and my roomies and I are volunteering! It's an outdoor art festival of sorts. It's supposed to be absolutely freezing, but we get free toques for volunteering! It's going to be an absolutely wonderful cultural event. I can't wait!

So there's a brief synopsis of my life events. I'll post pictures and such as soon as I can. Keep reading!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Food for Thought

Of the many ways in which I've been blessed, one is the fact that all four of my fabulous grandparents are still living and kicking around in various parts of Minnesota. Grandma Katie, my paternal grandmother, celebrated her 80th birthday yesterday. My roommates and I serenaded her with an off-key rendition of that good ol' birthday song before she and I had a very enlightening conversation.

For the record, the relentless conquistador does read this blog... so here's your feature, Gran!

I was telling Grandma about how much I love Cape Breton and how happy I am here, and she said, "You know, Maggie, I think Augie's going to be a major letdown for you in the spring. Other than when you were running that new student orientation stuff, I've never seen you this happy at college."


That's kinda all I said. "Huh. Yeah."

Now, I have a confession to make, and Gran, I apologize for this. I'm one of the younger cousins on either side of my family. Growing up, I always felt slightly overshadowed. The older, funnier, cooler, braver (cockier) cousins did the cool stuff like college etc. first, and so I didn't think my milestones were as exciting to my grandparents. I only realized recently that all four of my grandparents see me as an individual, not just one of a grab-bag of grandkids.

Grandma Katie knows me. She knows that I'm different from my siblings and my cousins. She knows my favorite things and remembers what I was like as a child. She knows ME. And thus I realize the gravity of Grandma Katie's words: "You're happier in Cape Breton."

I think she might be right.

I'll be honest with you guys. I've been thinking about staying. Sure, Augie's great. I absolutely adore my professors, I have some fantastic friends, and I was only a few hours away from home. But here...

Here there is a cultural experience that Sioux Falls simply cannot match. Sydney is unique. Halifax is amazing. The school's residential community is loving and inclusive. My professors are funny and challenging. My roommates are incredible. The alcohol attitude is healthy and the campus bar is unbelievably fun. And yeah, so maybe there's this really great guy, too. But I mean it. I am so happy here.

I don't know yet if I'm transferring. But Gran's observation made me think. If my eighty-year-old sharp-witted grandmother, who I see only a few times a year, can pick up on the range of my happiness through blog entries and phone calls alone... well, that's saying something.

Happy birthday, Gran. I love you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Deja vu.

A short time after I arrived in Cape Breton in January, I developed a sty in my eye.

A short time after I arrived in Cape Breton in August, I developed pink eye. I have a satan cornea. At least the red matches the Canadian flag.

I've spent the day quarantined in my apartment, unable to attend class. As a result, my apartment is spotless and the counter is playing host to the cakes I've made for a birthday celebration tonight. Mark is 24 today, and Maile is 20! We're having friends over for drinks and sweets: a nice, quiet evening.

Anyway, I need to go squirt polysporin into my eyeball.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sparknotes: My Second Semester at CBU

Hey gang! I've been a horrible slacker who hasn't posted for months, so here I am!

I've been back since the 27th of August, and a LOT has happened since then. I wouldn't dare try to summarize my adventures in a single post, so they'll come in doses. For now, here's a Sparknotes edition of what I've been up to.

Living Arrangements

I am no longer living in Harriss Hall! I have migrated to Cabot, which is a campus-owned apartment building just across the sidewalk. I share a four-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment with Maile, Jaime, and Kendra. You may remember mentions of the first two from last year. Kendra, a first-year from Baddeck, was randomly assigned to our apartment, and we love her.

Apartment living is just about the best thing ever. We each cook supper one night a week, and so far, we've enjoyed lentil soup, stuffed peppers, hummus pizza, fancy macaroni, and more. It's going to be one delicious semester!

In the photo: Maile, Jaime, and me at the recent Headphone Disco. Maile is 5'10"-ish and hails from Calgary. Jaime is 4'8"-ish and comes from Switzerland. The height differences in this picture are not exaggerated.


I'm still studying English! Here's a list of my courses:

1. Modern American Fiction. This class has only five students, and our professor is wonderful. We've read The Awakening so far, and I am often reminded of just how much I love fiction.

2. Celtic Literature. This class is taught by a woman whose favorite word is "scalliwag." She addresses us as scalliwags on a regular basis. It's awesome. We also read about fairies. What's not to love?

3. Middle English Literature. My professor reads us poems in Middle English. And we're going to do an in-depth study of the Canterbury Tales. Very high on the happy-geek-o-meter.

4. Shakespeare. I truly love Shakespeare. His life is fascinating, and he is truly a master of the craft. Also, my professor reminds me of one of my favorite English profs back at Augie.


Here's just a list, but I'll provide pictures and stories later.

1. Trips to Dominion Beach
2. Silk-dyeing workshops in Mabou
3. Headphone Disco
4. A good deal of tasty food

My apologies again for severe slacking. There will be volumes of "Funny Stuff My Professors Say" and "Real Canadians" in the future.

Keep reading!
