Stuff That's Awesome
A partial list
1. When I wake up in the morning, I'm in Canada. This means Keith's, Coffee Crisp, Tim Hortons, and, most importantly, my Canadians.
2. I've chosen a topic for my directed study paper. I'm writing about the Hunger Games, which y'all should know is my favorite book series ever. I've been geeking out more than a litte and reading The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Patrick Hicks, eat your heart out!) to analyze Katniss as a heroine on a quest.
3. My roommates are amazing cooks. I mean amazing. Jaime made us quinoa pilaf the other day and occasionally whips together these divine scrambled eggs that taste like heaven. Maile is a whiz at "winging it with the spices," and she made a black bean tofu stir fry the other day that was one of the best vegetarian dishes I've ever had. So yeah. I eat quite well.
4. Tight and Bright is tonight. You may remember this from last year, when I went out looking like Peter Pan on an acid trip. I'm spending the day downtown at the thrift shop Value Village and vintage shop Gala to compile an outfit with a few of my favorite Canadians. It's the roomies, of course. Last year's winner, Tim, is joining us, and we're hoping to absorb some of his victorious tight-and-bright aura to give some oomph to our ensembles. Last but certainly not least is the ever-so-delightful Kyle Capstick, who rocks $3 Value Village sweaters like nobody's business. Today is going to be great.
5. Lumière is tomorrow night, and my roomies and I are volunteering! It's an outdoor art festival of sorts. It's supposed to be absolutely freezing, but we get free toques for volunteering! It's going to be an absolutely wonderful cultural event. I can't wait!
So there's a brief synopsis of my life events. I'll post pictures and such as soon as I can. Keep reading!