Saturday, February 19, 2011

Great Big Sea Concert in Halifax

I've been in Halifax for 48 hours now. I want to write about the cute shops, the beautiful scenery, the kind people, the charming pubs, and the tasty food. I especially want to write about how great it is to see Julianne again. But alas... all I can write about is Great Big Sea.

Great Big Sea is a folk-rock band from Newfoundland and one of the best-known bands from eastern Canada. They played a free concert in honor of the 2011 Canada Games tonight at Celebration Square, and Julianne was kind enough to bring us along.

Excluding the drummer, each of the members played at least a half-dozen instruments, which they switched every song. We saw flutes, drums, accordions, fiddles, and several different manners of guitar, not to mention some fantastic singing voices.

I haven't been to very many concerts, so I'm not a good judge of what makes a "good concert." But I have never had so much fun in my life.

The band was infectious, and the crowd was on fire. We were so enthusiastic and bouncy and happy. It was one of those moments where you feel truly independent and free, where you're living your life and nothing can stop you. I didn't stop smiling the entire time. We left over an hour ago, and I'm still riding the high.

And now I'm a GBS fangirl. Hardcore. Just another step to becoming Almost Canadian.

More Halifax updates tomorrow. Keep reading!



  1. don't forget mandolins and banjos =)
    and i must say, excellent choice of songs

  2. You go girl. Glad you're having fun. Sounds great to me. Maybe a CD for dad for Father's Day?! I love you Maggie.
